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Some mandatory legal text :
In case you have a promo code and wish to use it -> You agree to the terms & conditions for taking and redeeming promo codes.
Codes expire by 28 days after making them. Check the creation date, which should be supplied where you got it :).
They are redeemable only on the iTunes Stores where the game - Trinagon 3D is available. This requires an iTunes account, subject to prior acceptance
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This game is provided to you by a guy named lucas pradlwarter aka Lumpazy
Feel free to check out the details applying to your locality here.
Lovely testers
Thank you for being here.
please download and fill out the form as you test the game :)
or if you wish simply write the answers & send them by email.
A puzzle system, because not just one single permutation puzzle can be played and solved over and over again, like the rubiks cube (which is great, by the way),
but many different puzzles on many different playgrounds / surfaces can be created and played.
The basic playground, where you can learn the principles of trinagon is a hexagon, divided into triangles. Read more ...
Feel free to explore the game first (by downloading and playing the free puzzles) or read up on the details, features, handling, menu options, layout, development, updates, other trinagon playgrounds under construction, past and future etc ... of the game on this site.
If you have questions (or answers :) ), ask them at the trinagon facebook page, or send lumpazy an email (at least until the curious-minds-forum is going live)