
Privacy Policy & Data Opt Out & Deletion : 

Clear and Clean : We do not like any company tracking anyone in any way that could lead to any personalification or behaviour analysis of a person. This is reflected in the different approaches of handling data in the game (see below) and in the simplicity of the game settings, where you can opt in/out with the click of a button to provide anonymous (only!) data or not.

1. Advertising Tracking :
All Ads have been disabled as of Okt. 2022.
Ads do not actually lead to any reasonable value exchange between trinagon and yourself.
Your data is to valuable, the game is (imho) just as valuable, and trinagon gets next to nothing for it. Therefore ads will not be back anytime soon!  Instead you'll have to buy puzzles (all or some), if you like the game. It is actually cheaper for you this way !

2. Analytics (Unity) :
Analytics allow the Game Platform and Lumpazy to discover errors & crashes & fix these.
It is also nice but not necessary to see how much the game is played :)
By our own standards : The data is collected anonymously !
You can still simply switch off (/or back on)  ANY analytics data collection right there in the game.
Unity has its very own privacy policy, which you may study here..
There is a button in the game that leads you to allow specific unity analytics Data Collection.
Since the Game Code will at least set this to 'anonymous', any setting you choose there which would allow non-anonymous data is automatically devalidated & switched off in the game.

2.a : Data Deletion / Opt out : There is a Button in the Game as well leading you to opt out of any Data Collection and delting any Data Collected ! :
- Rioght at the startup screen -> tap on 'Your Data Privacy', then -> 'More Unity data & Privacy Settings'.  This will open a link in your browser where you have the choice to opt out and delete all 'peronally-identifiable' data. 

3. In-App Purchasing :
The payment is handled by the In-App-Purchasing systems from google and apple and they do collect & use data as they do / need / may. None of it can be accessed by trinagon.
Please refer to their respective data policies for further information.



4. Tracking on this web site :

This web-site currently has user tracking disabled, and retains minimal statistics only / only uses necessary cookies (which do not need consent, because they do not use any personal identifiers). This is why this site does not bother you with clicking away the cookie-consent-banner. A tool for this option across the internet can be found here :

All Trinagon Editions by Lucas Pradlwarter, Innsbruck, Austria,
All rights reserved 2018

® Trinagon © Lucas Pradlwarter. Austria. All Rights Reserved. Impressum 2019